Allopathy versus Alternative medicine in Rheumatology
Let us start with one basic premise first. No “pathy” is bad and the comparison is like comparing apples to Oranges. What follows in this article is not at all an attempt to prove one superior or Inferior but rather an objective discussion and addressing certain myths that surround treatment of Rheumatic diseases. Here is what you need to understand about medicine specialties in general.
Myth # 1:Permanent Cure for Rheumatic diseases in Alternative Therapies versus No permanent Cure in Allopathy
Some people have been led to believe that there is no treatment in Allopathy for Rheumatic diseases whereas Ayurveda or Homeopathy will provide a permanent cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis and for other Rheumatic diseases. The basic approach to any disease differs greatly in all the branches of medicine. In Ayurveda you have the three great tenets called Vaat, Kuffa and Pitta on the basis of which principles of Ayurveda are based. Similarly in Homeopathy again the system of practice is completely different and is often planned on basis of constellation of various symptoms and signs. In Allopathy we attempt to go down to the causal relationship between the disease mechanism and the disease manifestation and then plan treatment accordingly. While the basic cause is Altered Immunity, we are nowhere near the explanation of why the Immunity becomes dysfunctional and research is ongoing. There is no classification like Rheumatoid Arthritis or Ankylosing Spondylitis or Reactive arthritis, Wegener’s granulomatosis etc. in Alternative medicine. One thing is clear. None of the available systems of medicine are in a position to provide a permanent cure for a simple reason. For us to remove the disease from your body we would have to remove your Immunity itself which is dysfunctional. If that happens then how will you live?? However in general the rule of the thumb is that these diseases can be well controlled allowing you to lead a good quality of life however Medication will need to continue for many years and sometimes lifelong. Having said the above, there are certain illnesses like Reactive arthritis which stem from the body’s response to an infection which can sometimes occur once and then not recur if appropriate treatment is initiated on Time. Obviously the credit for this will go to the system of medicine followed by the patient at that time. Somehow people get upset when they hear or read this. Ironically the same people do not get upset if they have to take lifelong treatment for Hypertension (high Blood Pressure), or Diabetes or Heart disease, kidney ailments etc. There they seem to accept the diagnosis and the treatment willingly then why not for Rheumatic diseases?? So in essence you can choose what you feel is appropriate for you but don’t go with the belief that you will achieve a permanent cure. You will be disappointed.
Myth # 2: Allopathy has only painkillers and steroids!!
Not True! Treatment of Arthritis and various Rheumatic drugs is carried out with Anti Rheumatic drugs called DMARDS (Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs). These are neither pain killers nor steroids. In fact in the early stages patient will see no benefit for at least 6-8 weeks and because of
this some patients may even feel that the drugs are not working. Hence in the early stages of starting treatment the patient is put on analgesics and even NSAIDS (non- steroidal Anti inflammatory drugs) to buy time till the DMARDs take effect after which they are weaned off. Sometimes the patient presents himself to us in a significantly disabled state and is unable to even do his activities of daily living such as bathing, going to the toilet etc. In such circumstances, sometimes a small dose of steroids are added to enable the patient to be independent. In such cases however the patient is always informed about the same and the dose clearly given in writing. Once the patient is better the pain killers and the steroids are weaned off. In fact what will alarm you is the fact that a lot of so called Ayurvedic preparations and “Pudi” are laced with liberal amounts of steroids and given to the patients which the patients keep taking because they feel remarkably better with these so called Ayurvedic powders. The moment the effect of these powders wears off the patient again feels very down and gets almost instantaneous relief on taking these powders. Soon the poor unsuspecting patient develops a craving for these powders. Even after developing swelling over the body and face some patients do not even realize that they may be taking steroids. So Beware of such Quacks who are masquerading as Ayurvedic practitioners.
Myth #3: Allopathy has lot of “Side effects” versus No side effects in Alternative Medicine
The topic of Side-effects in Allopathy has been dealt with in detail in another Article which you are advised to read through however here are some of the details again. Side effect is that “effect” of the medicine which is not suited to our body.This is purely an Individual response to a medication and hence varies from person to person since no two humans are alike. What suits me may not suit you and what suits you may not suit a member of your own family. For that matter you will come across people who are allergic to some kinds of foods as well. You may have heard of people having allergy to certain kinds of fish. Additionally some people will tell you that they have allergy to Chana- dal or even milk at times. When such people consume these foods they also get side effects don’t they? Don’t we accept this phenomenon? Of course there are some general assumptions based on population studies and on the basis of these appropriate advice is given. For e.g. NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs commonly addressed as pain killers) can cause acidity and hence should only be consumed after meals and an Antacid should be prescribed along with the same. Side effects can occur in a small percentage of people not the majority. Medicines are called medicines precisely because they cause more good than harm. Any drug which causes more side effects than benefits will not be called a medicine. It would then be called a “poison”. The truth of the matter is this: There is a small chance of side effects with any form of medicine. It is a myth to think that alternative therapies have no side effects at all. We also have patients who could not tolerate alternative therapies and then have come to Allopathy. Let us take one example from Ayurveda. In Ayurveda we know that various “Bhasmas” and “Kaadhas” are used. Some of these even contain heavy metals . For e.g. “Swarna Bhasma” is one of the “Bhasmas” used for treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis since a long time. Now catch this: Even in Allopathy we were using Gold Injections with good results but a lot of side effects such as Kidney failure and muscle inflammation. Hence we ourselves stopped using these medicines almost 20 years ago. Yet these are being used in Ayurveda. Now what do you have to say ?? One patient who took Ayurvedic treatment had to be admitted in the ICU with Arsenic poisoning. She is currently following up with us. This does not mean that Alternative medicines are bad or Allopathy is good or one is inferior and the other is superior etc. All we are saying is that Side effects can occur in any branch of medicine in a small number of people. Even though side effects can occur in a few patients we do not know who these will be and hence we teach all our patients on the possible side effects of drugs if this occurs and also to stop the drug immediately and inform us as soon as this occurs. That is why periodic follow up visits to the clinic are necessary to monitor disease activity alongwith regular blood tests, to ensure that no side effects occur, on these medications. Medicines are changed at the first sign of Intolerance. The idea is to try and minimize the chancesof you getting a side effect. Funnily enough patients want to avoid any possibility of even the smallest side effect but will not follow up regularly even after being advised to do so in writing in the prescription. While you cross the road if you look on both sides of the road and cross then the chances of an accident are very low. However, if a drunken driver loses control of his vehicle and crashes into you but that’s pure simple bad luck. One important point that all patients forget is this. The disease is always much worse than the drug. Not all drugs will cause side effects. Not many patients will get side effects but one thing is certain, if timely treatment is not taken then the disease will certainly cause permanent damaging effects on your body. If a student appears in an exam after studying for the subject then there are good chances that he will do well and a small chance that he may fail despite his preparation. But if he does not appear for the examination itself because of fear of failure then he has failed anyway.
Myth #4: Ayurveda is natural and Allopathy is chemical!!!
That is really a naïve belief! Where do the ingredients for the so called chemicals come from? Obviously natural sources… On the other hand if the above is true then all your natural plants and herbs contain chemicals isn’t it??
Myth #5: I can take short term Allopathy while I have acute pain and take Alternative
treatment for the long term! Never Mix “pathies” The mechanism of each drug is different and principles of all the systems of medicines are different as alluded to in the early part of this article. We do not have knowledge of their drugs and they do not have any knowledge of our drugs. Hence mixing could well result in significant drug interactions resulting in side effects.
Myth #6: If I am patient and I wait long enough I will be cured with Alternative Treatment!
If you wait too long you will become disabled! Harsh as it may sound this is the truth. Joint erosions start as early as 6 months into the illness. 80% of patients with arthritis develop irreversible damage at the end of 2 years. If you try allopathy thereafter we can only help you to try and prevent further damage but what has already occurred cannot be reversed. Sadly, Patients first try all the experiments and then come to us with the hope of a miracle after all the joints have developed damage.
Myth #7: Yoga and Acupuncture will cure my Rheumatic disease/Arthritis!
Acupuncture can result in transient pain relief but will not modify the disease process in anyway. Itdoes help in modifying the response to pain and sometimes may help to raise the patients threshold to pain. Yoga is exercise and we recommend that all patients of Arthritis and other Rheumatic diseases exercise daily. In fact we send them to physiotherapists to learn to do exercises in a systematic manner without straining the joints. However Yoga or any exercise is not a substitute for medication. At the end of all this: You can take whatever treatment you wish but PLEEEAASE take some form of medication because the disease will not spare you. It is not how long you live that is important but rather how well you live. However long you live, you need to be independent and capable of taking care of yourself and your needs. Our Teacher used to say that these diseases are worse than cancer because in cancer at least there is a definitive end. Either you will be cured of the cancer or you will lose the battle and close your eyes forever. BUT these diseases will make every day feel as if you don’t want to live further and yet you will have to carry on in pain disability and dependence on others. We don’t wish that on anyone EVER. We want “Kennisha” for you. So take treatment… on Time….
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